Stay safe in Croatia
We can all agree that 2020 was a year of great change. It was one of the most challenging years but also a great learning experience. The COVID – 19 pandemic has taken a major toll on people all over the world. Different sectors of the economy have been hit. All businesses have been faced with serious and overwhelming challenges, but the effects of COVID – 19 pandemic on hospitality industry have been unprecedented. Slowly but surely it has adapted to the newly created situation. This has meant creating a new set of extraordinary measures especially when it comes to hygiene protocol in hotels. (Stay safe in Croatia)

The first impression starts at the hotel doorstep. The entrance is the crucial point when it comes to creating that first positive image. In times of COVID – 19 this means placing a disinfectant dispenser in a visible place , in close proximity to the door, available for everyone entering the premises. There should also be a sign on the front door reminding the guests to wear face masks and to use the disinfectant upon entering. Here at “ Mediteran “ we are taking these measures seriously . All the hotel surfaces are cleaned and disinfected daily. Same guidelines apply when it comes to the hotel room cleanliness and hygiene. Keeping the distance is quite important in common rooms like the hotel lobby and the restaurant. We are making sure to maintain distance between the tables to provide you with the safest and the most enjoyable dining experience. We are also part of the “ Safe Stay in Croatia “project which goes to show that all the safety measures are implented and respected at the hotel.

We are living in unusual times but here at “ Mediteran “ we believe it is of extreme importance to keep some semblance of normality. We should not deprive ourselves of the little things we enjoy doing as long as we do them in a cautious way, taking our own safety and the safety of others into account. Next time you visit Zadar, make sure you stop by at “Mediteran “ and experience hospitality at its best.
Thank you Ivana K. for your time and effort to write this blog.